Scrap Mechanic Mod

This is an introductory tutorial video for beginners, and we'll be covering other parts and some build ideas in later videos. THE DWARF KEY IS NO LONGER NEED. Scrap Mechanic Massive Overhaul. This mod is going to be all my mods in one witch, in the end, will change most aspects of the game and add a tone of new stuff. Gameplay Effects and Changes; By Markchill2.

May 8, 2020

More Scrap Mechanic Guides:
  • Amateur Survival Tips!
  • All Recipes Guide (Survival Mode).
  • Where to Find Items / Materials (Survival Mode).
  • Transport Guide for Caged Man (Survival Mode).

Enabling Cheats in Survival

Enabling Commands

Open 'Scrap MechanicSurvivalScriptsgameSurvivalGame.lua' with text editor.
Go to 84 line and change 'if g_survival then' to 'if true then'.


  • /ammo 'Give ammo (default 40)'
  • /spudgun 'Give the spudgun'
  • /gatling 'Give the potato gatling gun'
  • /shotgun 'Give the fries shotgun'
  • /sunshake 'Give 1 sunshake'
  • /baguette 'Give 1 revival baguette'
  • /keycard 'Give 1 keycard'
  • /powercore 'Give 1 powercore'
  • /components 'Give <quantity> components (default 10)'
  • /glowsticks 'Give <quantity> components (default 10)'
  • /tumble 'Set tumble state'
  • /god 'Mechanic characters will take no damage'
  • /respawn 'Respawn at last bed (or at the crash site)'
  • /encrypt 'Restrict interactions in all warehouses'
  • /decrypt 'Unrestrict interactions in all warehouses'
  • /limited 'Use the limited inventory'
  • /unlimited 'Use the unlimited inventory'
  • /ambush 'Starts a 'random' encounter'
  • /recreate 'Recreate world'
  • /timeofday 'Sets the time of the day as a fraction (0.5=mid day)'
  • /timeprogress 'Enables or disables time progress'
  • /day 'Disable time progression and set time to daytime'
  • /spawn 'Spawn a unit: 'woc', 'tapebot', 'totebot', 'haybot'
  • /harvestable 'Create a harvestable: 'tree', 'stone'
  • /cleardebug 'Clear debug draw objects'
  • /export 'Exports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint'
  • /import 'Imports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint'
  • /starterkit 'Spawn a starter kit'
  • /mechanicstartkit'Spawn a starter kit for starting at mechanic station'
  • /pipekit 'Spawn a pipe kit'
  • /foodkit 'Spawn a food kit'
  • /seedkit 'Spawn a seed kit'
  • /die 'Kill the player'
  • /sethp 'Set player hp value'
  • /setwater 'Set player water value'
  • /setfood 'Set player food value'
  • /aggroall 'All hostile units will be made aware of the player's position'
  • /goto 'Teleport to predefined position'
  • /raid 'Start a level <level> raid at player position at wave <wave> in <delay> hours.'
  • /stopraid 'Cancel all incoming raids'
  • /disableraids 'Disable raids if true'
  • /camera 'Spawn a SplineCamera tool'
  • /printglobals 'Print all global lua variables'
  • /clearpathnodes 'Clear all path nodes in overworld'
  • /enablepathpotatoes 'Creates path nodes at potato hits in overworld and links to previous node'

Recommended for You:
  • All Scrap Mechanic Guides!

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A guide on how to enable mods (corn collision, cell coordinates, etc. in Scrap Mechanic Survival.

How to Enable Mods?

No More Fake Foliage Mod

This gets rid of trees and bushes which cannot be cut down or collided with. It does NOT get rid of the really large trees (which are fewer in number) or ground clutter. Please note this may also remove those assets from creative mode as well, so I strongly encourage making a backup first.

Please note your installation folder may be different from mine…

Backup the following file, then open the original:

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonScrap MechanicDataTerrainDatabaseassetsets.json

Find the ‘foliage’ entry that looks like this:


“assetSet”: “$GAME_DATA/Terrain/Database/AssetSets/foliage.json”,

“category”: “Foliage”


Delete ALL of that entry, including the first and last brackets and the comma.


Save the file and enjoy not having those annoying things in your face when you’re trying to explore or slowing your game down. 🙂

No More Corn Collision Mod

Scrap Mechanic Modpack

Yes, corn is how we get milk from Wocs…Other than that, corn is evil. We should be able to drive right through it…

…and now you can!

Introducing the No More Corn Collision Mod (or, The No More Evil Corn Mod).

This will allow you to pass through corn (in a car or on foot), yet leave it where you can still hit it with the hammer.

First, navigate to your Scrap MechanicSurvivalHarvestablesDatabaseHarvestableSets folder.

Backup the file “hvs_farmables.json” just in case you mess up.

Open the original file and search for:

  • “col”: “$SURVIVAL_DATA/Harvestables/Collision/Farmables/hvs_farmables_cornplants_col.obj”,

Paste the following code right after that:

“collides”: {

“character”: false,

“body”: false,

“projectile”: false,

“melee”: true


Don’t forget to save the file.

Play the game and never crash into corn again. 🙂

Of course, you can play with those values…but “body” means any player-made creation. If projectile is true you would be able to shoot the corn.

More Chance For Metal Mod

This will give you a higher chance for metal from stone chunks.

Your SM installation folder may be different, but this is the default.

The file you’re looking for is:

  • C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonScrap MechanicSurvivalScriptsgameharvestableStoneChunk.lua

Back it up first before you modify it.

This line controls it:

  • local harvest = math.random( 3 ) 1 and obj_harvest_metal2 or obj_harvest_stone

So, whenever “math.random( 3 )” is 1, then you will get metal, otherwise stone.

Change the to > like:

  • local harvest = math.random( 3 ) > 1 and obj_harvest_metal2 or obj_harvest_stone

If it doesn’t give you enough just increase the 3 to a 5 or something.

Don’t forget to save the file.

Show Cell Coordinates Mod

This will show the cell coordinates to help you know your location in the world.

First off, a little info on the world in which we live…

From East to West is 128 cells and North to South is 96 cells, with a cell size of 64×64 meters.

  • 128×64 = 8,192, or 8.192 KM
  • 96×64 = 6,144, or 6.144 KM
  • 8.192 x 6.144 = 50.331648 square kilometers

The crashed ship is always in the same cell (-36,-40), in the southeast corner, as are lots of other POI’s, viewable in generate_cells.lua. The image here is a map of these predetermined cells. It does not show grass, water or warehouses, as these change each time a new world is generated. Fair warning, the grid may be a bit hard on the eyes.

Need a compass? The sun is always to the south and slightly east. At night you can still see the shadows from the non-existent moon, which is in the same place in the sky (I suspect future updates may change this).

And now the mod…

The file you need is:

  • C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonScrap MechanicSurvivalScriptsgameSurvivalPlayer.lua

Back it up first, then open the original. There are 3 lines you need to modify, simply by either deleting a “–” from the beginning, or adding one.

Step 1

Search for the following line and add a “–” at the beginning and a space (that’s two dashes, without the quotes, you will see other lines with them just a few lines below in the code):

  • “Time”, getTimeOfDayString() )

Change it to:

  • — “Time”, getTimeOfDayString() )

Step 2

A few lines down, delete the two dashes:

  • — local text = math.floor( character.worldPosition.x / CellSize )..”, “..math.floor( character.worldPosition.y / CellSize )

It looks like:

  • local text = math.floor( character.worldPosition.x / CellSize )..”, “..math.floor( character.worldPosition.y / CellSize )

Step 3

A few more lines down (lots of them with a — at the beginning)

Scrap Mechanic Mod Packs

Again, delete the two dashes from:

  • — “Time”, text )

Save the file and run the game. Where the time usually is you should see cell coordinates. They will change every 64 meters.

For me the time no longer appears, but to change it back, simply use your backup file (you DID make a backup before you started monkeying with the code, right?) or just reverse the changes. If the file is still open in your text editor you can just CTRL+U for undo. Have fun 🙂

Oil Pump Mod – by SevereUC

This is NOT my mod, SevereUC made this mod.

This allows your vacuum pump to extract oil from oil geysers.

  • 1: Backup your game files!!!
  • 2: Navigate to your Scrap Mechanic folder.

I believe its normally “C:steampoweredsteamappscommonScrap Mechanic” and continue navigating through the folders to get to Scrap MechanicSurvivalScriptsgameinteractables

  • 3: Open the Vacuum file in notepad.
  • 4: Including the quotations Search for: “AreaTrigger”

The code we are looking for should say:

Scrap Mechanic Mod Tool


elseif type( result ) “AreaTrigger” then

  • 6: Highlight the word end and replace it with:
  1. elseif result:getType() “oil” then
  2. local data = result:getData()
  3. if data then
  4. local partUuid = data[“harvest”]
  5. local amount = data[“amount”]
  6. if partUuid and amount then
  7. partUuid = partUuid )
  8. local container = FindContainerToCollectTo(, partUuid, amount )
  9. if container then
  10. table.insert( incomingObjects, { container = container, uuid = partUuid, amount = amount} )
  • end
  • end
  • end
  • end
  • break
  • 7: Save and exit that file.
  • 8: Navigate to: Scrap MechanicSurvivalHarvestablesDatabaseHarvestableSets
    • And open: hvs_farmables in notepad or choice of text editor
  • 9: Including the quotations Search for “hvs_farmables_oilgeyser”
  • 10: Add “type”: “oil”, so that the code now looks like this:
  1. “name”: “hvs_farmables_oilgeyser”,
  2. “type”: “oil”,
  3. “color”: “51584dff”,

Scrap Mechanic Modpack

  • 11: Including the quotations Search for “OilGeyser”
  • 12: Add “harvest”: “1147e59d-6940-42b4-840b-07f05054f5e0”, //oil “amount”: 1
    • so that the code now looks like this:

“class”: “OilGeyser”,

“data”: {

“harvest”: “1147e59d-6940-42b4-840b-07f05054f5e0”, //oil

“amount”: 1

Scrap Mechanic Modpack


  • 13: Save the file and you should be all set for pumping oil.

By Xeridox

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