Download Wad Manager Wii 4.3 U

System Menu 4.3
Date history
Build dateApril-June 2010
Release date June 21, 2010

June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010
System Menu IOSIOS80
Added IOSIOS58
Changed IOSIOS254
Version History
Preceded bySystem Menu 4.2
  1. Download Wad Manager Wii 4.3 Usb
  2. Download Wad Manager Wii 4.3 Upgrade
  3. Wii Wad Manager App

Multi-Mod Manager will load-Select Wad Manager -Press A-Press 1, -Press A -Install all Wads-IOS58 and IOS61 will install-Press 'any button'-Press 2- load 'App Manager'-Select hackmiiinstallerv0.8 -Press A Hackmii Installer Loads For versions 3.4 (Hack without game disk) 1. Wii Firmware 4.3 Downgrade If you have no WiFi, change it to 'Load IOS wad from sd card'. 4.1 uses IOS60 v6174 3.4 uses IOS50 v4889. Ok new the Wii scene & notice Im able to download loads of VC games via the net,Although I have'nt grabbed any yet just trying to get more knowledge.

  • 3What To Do
  • 4Message from Nintendo
    • 4.4Japan
    • 4.5Korea


  • Deleted Homebrew Channel
  • Deleted DVDX
  • Deleted Title IDs:
    • HAXX
    • DVDX
    • JODI
    • DISC
    • DISK
  • System Menu uses IOS80
  • Stubbed IOS254
    • Deleted BootMii
  • Fixed Bannerbombless stupidly this time
  • Added IOS58
  • Removed HackMii Installer Userland+Syscall IOS exploit
  • ES_AddTitleFinish now checks the signature

Affected homebrew

Bannerbomb v2Doesn't workSmash Stack, Indiana Pwns, bathaxx, Return of the Jodi, Eri HaKawai or LetterBomb
BootMiiBootmii IOS DeletedHackMii Installer v0.7 and newer (BootMii beta5 and newer)
DVDXRemoved by the System MenuHackMii Installer v0.7 and newer (HBC now has the HW_AHBPROT flags set for direct hardware access, thus replacing DVDX.)
Homebrew ChannelRemoved by the System MenuHackMii Installer v0.7 and newer (New title id to circumvent its deletion by System Menu v4.3)

What To Do

How to Run Homebrew on 4.3

See also Homebrew setup

You may use LetterBomb, Indiana Pwns, Smash Stack, Eri HaKawai, bathaxx or Return of the Jodi to run the HackMii Installer for Homebrew Channel and BootMii.

Message from Nintendo

North America


Wii Menu version 4.3 is now available for your Wii console. To update your Wii Menu to the latest version, please select the Update button at the bottom of the screen or select the System Update option in Wii System Settings.

This update provides behind-the-scenes fixes that will not affect features but will improve the overall system performance.

Because unauthorized modifications to save data or program files may impair game play or the Wii console, updating to Wii Menu version 4.3 will also check for and automatically remove such save data or program files.

The Wii User Agreement, which includes the Wii Privacy Policy, has also been updated. Because the updated agreement applies to you and your use of the Wii Network Service, you should view the updated version by clicking on the Wii icon located on the lower-left portion of the Wii Menu, selecting Wii Settings, accessing the Internet setting, and selecting User Agreements.

You may also view the updated Wii User Agreement online at

Wad manager 1.7 download

**Please note: If you've updated your Wii Menu after 6/21/10, you may not need to update again.

Thank you for updating your Wii console!



(If you have received this notice before, please disregard the following information.)

Dear customer,

Nintendo would like to inform you that a Wii menu update is now available. Select the UPDATE button on the lower right to update your Wii console.You can also update by selecting Wii SYSTEM UPDATE in the Wii Settings.


When the Wii Menu is updated, unauthorised hardware and/or software modifications may be deleted and unauthorised content may be removed as it may damage your console and/or cause interference with game play.Please note that the removal of unauthorised content may lead to immediate or delayed inoperability of your console. Nintendo cannot guarantee that unauthorised software or accessories will continue to function with the Wii console after this or future updates of the Wii Menu.

Note: if you have already updated your Wii console since 22 June 2010, you do not need to update again.




(Falls Sie diesen Hinweis bereits erhalten haben, können Sie die nachfolgenden Informationen ignorieren.)

Sehr geehrter Kunde,

ein Update des Wii-Menüs steht zur Verfügung.

Um dieses Update zu erhalten, aktivieren Sie bitte die UPDATE-Schaltfläche rechts unten auf dem Bildschirm oder wählen Sie in den Wii-Systemeinstellungen UPDATE DES Wii-SYSTEMS.


Wenn das Update des Wii-Systems ausgeführt wird, ist es möglich, dass nicht autorisierte Hardware- und/oder Softwaremodifizierungen gefunden und nicht autorisierte Inhalte gelöscht werden, da sie Ihre Wii-Konsole beschädigen und/oder sich negativ auf das Spielerlebnis auswirken können. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Entfernen unautorisierter Inhalte zu einem sofortigen oder späteren Ausfall der Konsole führen kann. Nintendo kann nicht garantieren, dass unautorisierte Software oder unautorisiertes Zubehör nach diesem oder zukünftigen Updates des Wii-Menüs mit dieser Wii-Konsole weiterhin verwendet werden kann.

Hinweis: Haben Sie seit dem 22. Juni 2010 bereits ein Update ausgeführt, benötigen Sie kein weiteres Update.










English Translation

Jun 22, 2010

You can update the Wii menu! The lower right 'Update' Please update button body.

More comfortable to enjoy the Wii, with improved quality of work.

The Wii Terms of Service have been revised, please visit the following way.

'Wii Options' → '2 Settings' → 'Internet'

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IMPORTANTSave data and abnormal channels created by means other than normal use (such as data tampering) may cause problems with your console. After the update, these tampered save data and channels may be automatically removed. In addition, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized software and accessories will work after the update. However, if your console does not contain unauthorized software, you will not be affected.■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

If you have updated after June 22, 2010, you may not need to update again.


한국닌텐도 2010년 6월 22일

Wii 본체를 업데이트할 수 있습니다! 오른쪽 아래의 「업데이트」버튼을 눌러 본체를 업데이트 해주십시오. 고객님께서 보다 쾌적하게 Wii를 이용하실 수 있도록 동작 품질을 개선하였습니다. 또 Wii 네트워크 서비스 이용 방법이 개정되었기 때문에, 다음 방법으로 확인해 주십시오.

「Wii 설정」→「본체 설정 2」→「인터넷」


일반적인 사용 방법 이외의 방법으로 작성된 저장 데이터 및 채널(개조된 데이터 등)은 고객님의 Wii본체에 고장을 일으킬 우려가 있어 그에 따른 대책을 마련했습니다.

업데이트를 실행하면 이러한 문제가 있는 저장 데이터 및 채널이 자동삭제 될 수 있으므로 주의해 주십시오.

또한 승인되지 않은 소프트웨어 및 주변기기에 대하여, 업데이트 이후의 동작을 보증할 수 없습니다.

올바른 방법으로 사용하실 경우에는 이러한 내용에 해당되지 않습니다.

Download Wad Manager Wii 4.3 Usb


※6월 22일 이후에 이미 업데이트를 실행하신 분은 다시 업데이트를 하실 필요가 없습니다.

English Translation

Nintendo KoreaJune 22, 2010

You can update your Wii console! Right below the 'Update' button to update your console please.Use your Wii, you can be more comfortable to have improved the quality of work.Another way to use the Wii Network Services has been revised, so please check the following manner.

'Wii Settings' → 'Console Settings 2' → 'Internet'

IMPORTANT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Common use saved data created in other ways and channels (converted data, etc.) that your Wii console may cause a malfunction in the corresponding measures are taken there.

When you run the update with this problem, save the data and the channel can be deleted automatically, so be careful.

In addition, software and peripherals that are not approved for, since the behavior of the update can not be guaranteed.

If you are using the correct method does not apply to these details.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Download Wad Manager Wii 4.3 Upgrade

※ 6 월 22 days after you have already run the update again if you do not need to update.

Wii Wad Manager App

System Menu versions
Prelaunch ·1.0 ·2.0 ·2.1 ·2.2 ·3.0 ·3.1 ·3.2 ·3.3 ·3.4 ·3.5(Korea only) ·4.0 ·4.1 ·4.2 ·4.3
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  • Der Wad Manager Channel ist Installer und Uninstaller in einem!Mit dem Wad Manager kann man Wad Dateien installieren und deinstallieren.Also brauch man dazu nicht mehr zwei Programme, sondern kann es bequem mit dem Wad Manager machen. Die title.wad kann jetzt auch anders heißen.z.B. Wii-Homebrew.wad. Es ist euch selbst überlassen, wie ihr sie nennt.All eure Wads müssen in den Ordner 'wad' auf SD-Karte/USB-Gerät/SD-Gecko kopiert werden.
    • wadmanager-banner.jpg

      41.85 kB, 320×180, viewed 425 times

      application/x-zip-compressed, 673.57 kB (3,174 downloads)

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