Steam Web API Terms of Use
Scrap Mechanic Mods ('SMM', 'Scrap Mechanic Mods Website') uses Steam Web API for the login system, and is bound by these terms found here:
Scrap Mechanic Survival V0.4.6 PC Free Download. About This Game PLEASE NOTE: We’re still hard at work on Scrap Mechanic! New content is being added and optimizations being made regularly. Get started right away in Survival Mode, Creative Mode and Challenge Mode! Please watch the latest Scrap Mechanic trailers to see the game’s latest state.

Privacy Policy Specifics:
A guide on how to enable mod in Scrap Mechanic (Survival). You may also like: How to Enable Mods (Corn Collision, Cell Coordinates, etc.) How to Add Custom Recipes; How to Be Developer (How to Enable) Scrap Mechanic – Hideout and Interactive Requirements (How to Trade and Get Fertilizer, Button, etc.). Just because Scrap Mechanic is in early access doesn't mean the modding community is willing to wait for the final release. The Steam workshop is packed with hundreds of excellent mods, mostly focusing on adding even more building parts to the base game.
This is a full list of what the Web API can access:
The user's unique SteamIDcommunityvisibilitystate
Is the profile public or private?profilestate
Is the community profile setup?personaname
Their current set profile namelastlogoff
Last time the user was online in unix timeprofileurl
The URL to their steam profileavatar
The image URL to the smallest size of their avatar (32px)avatarmedium
The image URL to the medium sized version of their avatar (64px)avatarfull
The image URL to the largest size of their avatar (184px)personastate
The user's current state (Online/Busy/Away/Snooze/LTT/LTP)realname
The user's 'real' name (Steam Account login name)primaryclanid
The user's primary grouptimecreated
When the account was created in unix time
Maybe the Steam Profile URL as well, so people can friend you easily ;)
Best Scrap Mechanic Mods
Legal Requirements of SMM
The agreement set by the Steam Web API Terms of Use shall also apply for SMM
(Indemnity, No Warranty, Liability Limitation; Exclusive Remedy, Intellectual Property, etc..)
You agree not to hold SMM responsible for any losses or damages to any content you upload
(it's the same legal agreement as the Steam workshop).
Scrap Mechanic Apk version 1.0 is a property and trademark of video calls. All rights reserved to us.
Scrap Mechanic Mod Manager
Click the link above to go to the APK file download page.
Scrap Mechanic Free Mods

Scrap Mechanic Car Mod
All files in Scrap Mechanic Apk applications are for personal use only. If an APK download violates your privacy, please contact us. We will get rid of it somehow. Thanks for your interest in our website!
Scrap Mechanic Mods Free Download
You are downloading Scrap Mechanic 1.0 APK for Android ... The free app is not equipped with malware or an ad-based installer. Please note that FreeApp only releases the original and free APK installer for Scrap Mechanic 1.0 without cheats, unlimited gold patches or other modifications. All apps and games here are for private or private use only.