Numeric Wordlist Generator

Click the 'Generate List of Numbers' button above and results will display here. To randomize list of generated numbers click the 'Randomize List' button. To reverse list of generated numbers click the 'Reverse List' button. Entering x into prefix, suffix, join field will produce a line break. You can also generate it yourself by typing in the letters you want to include, then selecting the number to generate, and then specifying the type of the generated word (adjectives, nouns, etc.), of course, these are optional, if you don't specify them, It is to generate random words. Number List Generator Here you can generate a number list with any start and end value and step, which you can copy and use as you like. Negative values are also allowed. After each number, you can put certain characters (a point often makes sense) and choose, if the numbers shall be separated by space, break or not at all.

Python wordlist generator

Welcome friends! Today we will learn creating a custom wordlist using Crunch on Kali Linux which hackers use for brute force attacks. Custom wordlists are very important for executing successful brute force attacks. We can add all the information we have into our wordlist. So let’s get started.

How to Create Custom Wordlist using Crunch on Kali Linux

How to Create Custom wordlist using Crunch on Kali Linux:

Step 1:

Start your Kali Linux, open the terminal, and type crunch to see if the crunch is installed, and whether or not it’s the most current version.

Step 2:

To view the manual of crunch and options available, you can use the command man crunch.

Step 3:

The basic syntax for crunch looks like this:

kali > crunch <min> max<max> <characterset> -t <pattern> -o <output filename>

Now, let’s go over what’s included in the syntax above.

  • min= The minimum password length.
  • max= The maximum password length.
  • characterset= The character set to be used in generating the passwords.
  • -t <pattern>= The specified pattern of the generated passwords. For instance, if you knew that the target’s birthday was 0728 (July 28th) and you suspected they used their birthday in their password (people often do), you could generate a password list that ended with 0728 by giving crunch the pattern @@@@@@@0728. This word generate passwords up to 11 characters (7 variable and 4 fixed) long that all ended with 0728.
  • -o <outputfile>= This is the file you want your wordlist written to.

Step 4:

To create simple wordlists type crunch <min> max<max>

Ex: crunch 8 10

Kali Wordlist Generator

When we execute this statement, crunch estimates how large the file will be (1463 TB) and then begins to generate the list.

What if we knew that the target always used number passwords between 6 and 8 characters? We could generate a complete list of password possibilities meeting these criteria and send them to a file in the root user’s directory called number8.lst by typing:

crunch 6 8 1234567890 -o /root/numericwordlist.lst

Step 5:

If we knew that the target has a password of 8 characters and ends with 1&2 we can use the following command:

crunch 8 8 -t @@@@@@12 -o /root/pass.lst

Step 6:

One of the beauties of crunch is the ability to select a specific character set or create your own character set for generating your password list. If we know the likely character set the target is using for their password, we can select the character set to generate our password list. We can find the choice of character sets at:


Now, if we know that our target is using an eight character password with only alphabetic characters, we can generate a list of all the possibilities in crunch with the command:

crunch 8 8 -f /usr/share/rainbowcrack/charset.txt loweralpha-numeric -o /root/loweralphanumeric.lst

This will generate all the 8-character passwords using the lower alphabetic and number characters.

This is how we can make use of crunch. You can go through the manual and check out the other available options.

Thank you!! [J-BOY]

Article By: Kartik Durg

Crunch Wordlist Generator Windows

Cracking passwords has two aspects that need to be considered when taking into account how likely it is to reveal the information you need. They are defined as follows:

  • Efficiency – The likelihood that your password set has the candidate password within it.
  • Power – How many attempts / guesses you can make per second, minute / random time frame.
  • With the increase in GPU crackers, oclHashcat being my favorite, a large emphasis has increasingly been put on power as opposed to efficiency. People suspect that because they can throw a wordlist of 1 billion entries against a hash that it’s the optimal solution. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t try it as your last resort, but perhaps there is a better way to put the odds in your favour.

    Obtaining a Relevant Password List
    The best tool for this job is going to be CeWL (Custom Wordlist Generator). It has been designed to spider target websites for key words and compile them into a word list for usage later. You can have a lot of control over the spider such as how many links it should follow, the minimum word length and even supports different authentication schemes to crawl restricted area’s you have access to. Let’s use a example of this website and see what word lists we can generate.

    Breaking this down we’ll be crawling and (-d) 1 link layer deep from the main page. The minimum length of words we’re going to be keeping is 6 characters, and we’re saving the output to a text file netsec.txt. Testing the result we have accumulated a lot of passwords directly related to and it’s content.

    Building Off a Solid Foundation
    Now we have a solid list of candidate passwords we often want to build off this by mutating the passwords according to particular rules. John the ripper provides awesome functionality for this with their wordlist rules. They can be viewed and added to in the file located at /etc/john/john.conf under ‘#Wordlist mode rules’. Some examples are,

    We can even add our own rules to the list according the john’s syntax which can be read about here. As an example let’s say we wanted to add on 1 or 2 numbers to the end of the passwords we have in our list. We can add the following.

    We can now use john to perform modifications according to these rules with the following command.

    Now when we have a look at our new wordlist, we can see our password’s have grown from 1741 to 273106 variations of them.

    With your new targeted wordlist often you’ll have a much higher success rate against the hashes you’re trying to crack. We’ve got machines that can make 1 million guesses a second, why not feed it in something good?

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