1977 Twenty Dollar Bill Real

$10 Bill August 10th 1861 Value; $10 Bill from 1875 Value; $10 Bill National Currency 1875 Value; $10 Bills With Brown Seal and Serial Numbers; $10 Bills With Yellow/Gold Seal and Serial Numbers. Series 1977 $50. Printed August 1978 through January 1982. Signatures: Morton-Blumenthal. All $50 Previous $50: Series 1974 Next $50: Series 1981 Other Series 1977: $1 $5 $10 $20 $100. The numbers in the table are the first and last notes printed in the given month for the given FRB. Value of 1977 US Dollars today $100 in 1977 $441.56 in 2020 The inflation rate in the United States between 1977 and today has been 341.56%, which translates into a total increase of $341.56. 1977 OLD STYLE 20 DOLLAR Bill Federal Reserve Note Very Fine condition (5) $214.99. +$3.95 shipping. 1977 OLD STYLE 20 DOLLAR Bill Federal Reserve Note Very Fine condition (5) 1977 $20 Federal Reserve Note Boston PMG 55 Misalignment Error - 2072-A.

Series 1977 $50

Printed August 1978 through January 1982.Signatures: Morton-Blumenthal.
All $50 | Previous $50: Series1974 | Next $50: Series 1981
Other Series 1977: $1 | $5 | $10 | $20 | $100

The numbers in the table are the first and last notes printed in the given month for the given FRB. Colors indicate the production method: COPE notes are listed in black and conventional ones in green (for an explanation, see the page on COPE and conventional serials).

MonthFederal Reserve District (First letter of serial number)Star NotesMonth
Aug 78-B 000 00001 A
B 032 00000 A
-----------Aug 78
Sep 78------G 000 00001 A
G 044 80000 A
-----G 000 00001 *
G 001 28000 *
Sep 78
Oct 78-------H 000 00001 A
H 006 40000 A
---L 000 00001 A
L 019 20000 A
L 000 00001 *
L 000 64000 *
Oct 78
Nov 78-B 032 00001 A
B 051 20000 A
-D 000 00001 A
D 019 20000 A
B 000 00001 *
B 001 28000 *
& D 000 00001 *
D 000 64000 *
Nov 78
Dec 78A 000 00001 A
A 012 80000 A
----F 000 00001 A
F 006 40000 A
G 044 80001 A
G 064 00000 A
-----A 000 00001 *
A 000 64000 *
Dec 78
Jan 79-B 051 20001 A
B 070 40000 A
--E 000 00001 A
E 019 20000 A
----J 000 00001 A
J 012 80000 A
--E 000 00001 *
E 000 64000 *
Jan 79
Feb 79-B 070 40001 A
B 076 80000 A
C 000 00001 A
C 019 20000 A
---G 064 00001 A
G 108 80000 A
-I 000 00001 A
I 012 80000 A
---G 001 28001 *
G 002 56000 *
Feb 79
Mar 79-------------Mar 79
Apr 79-------------Apr 79
May 79-B 076 80001 A
B 134 40000 A
-D 019 20001 A
D 051 20000 A
-------L 019 20001 A
L 032 00000 A
B 001 28001 *
B 003 84000 *
& D 000 64001 *
D 001 92000 *
May 79
Jun 79---D 051 20001 A
D 089 60000 A
--------D 001 92001 *
D 005 12000 *
Jun 79
Jul 79------G 108 80001 A
G 128 00000 A
----L 032 00001 A
L 044 80000 A
-Jul 79
Aug 79-B 134 40001 A
B 179 20000 A
--E 019 20001 A
E 038 40000 A
B 003 84001 *
B 005 76000 *
& E 000 64001 *
E 001 28000 *
Aug 79
Sep 79A 012 80001 A
A 038 40000 A
-C 019 20001 A
C 038 40000 A
---G 128 00001 A
G 160 00000 A
A 000 64001 *
A 001 28000 *
& G 002 56001 *
G 003 20000 *
Sep 79
Oct 79------G 160 00001 A
G 179 20000 A
--J 012 80001 A
J 025 60000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 019 20000 A
--Oct 79
Nov 79-B 179 20001 A
B 204 80000 A
--E 038 40001 A
E 051 20000 A
------L 044 80001 A
L 064 00000 A
L 000 64001 *
L 001 28000 *
Nov 79
Dec 79-B 204 80001 A
B 230 40000 A
------I 012 80001 A
I 025 60000 A
---B 005 76001 *
B 007 04000 *
Dec 79
Jan 80A 038 40001 A
A 051 20000 A
--D 089 60001 A
D 153 60000 A
---H 006 40001 A
H 012 80000 A
----D 005 12001 *
D 008 32000 *
Jan 80
Feb 80-B 230 40001 A
B 243 20000 A
--E 051 20001 A
E 083 20000 A
-G 179 20001 A
G 224 00000 A
B 007 04001 *
B 008 32000 *
& E 001 28001 *
E 002 56000 *
& G 003 20001 *
G 005 12000 *
Feb 80
Mar 80---------J 025 60001 A
J 038 40000 A
-L 064 00001 A
L 096 00000 A
J 000 00001 *
J 000 64000 *
& L 001 28001 *
L 002 56000 *
Mar 80
Apr 80----------K 019 20001 A
K 051 20000 A
-K 000 00001 *
K 001 92000 *
Apr 80
May 80-B 243 20001 A
B 275 20000 A
--E 083 20001 A
E 108 80000 A
--------May 80
Jun 80------G 224 00001 A
G 275 20000 A
-----G 005 12001 *
G 011 52000 *
Jun 80
Jul 80-B 275 20001 A
B 307 20000 A
----G 275 20001 A
G 307 20000 A
-----B 008 32001 *
B 009 60000 *
Jul 80
Aug 80-------------Aug 80
Sep 80-------------Sep 80
Oct 80A 051 20001 A
A 076 80000 A
-----G 307 20001 A
G 320 00000 A
-----A 001 28001 *
A 001 92000 *
Oct 80
Begin 20000 sheet standard (see explanation)
A#4[4000], A#5[4000]
Nov 80-B 307 20001 A
B 345 60000 A
-------J 038 40001 A
J 051 20000 A
--B#16[6000], J#2[2000]Nov 80
Dec 80----E 108 80001 A
E 153 60000 A
------L 096 00001 A
L 128 00000 A
E#5[8000], L#5[4000]Dec 80
Jan 81---D 153 60001 A
D 179 20000 A
--G 320 00001 A
G 358 40000 A
---K 051 20001 A
K 089 60000 A
-D#14[2000], G#19[8000], K#4[4000]Jan 81
Feb 81-B 345 60001 A
B 409 60000 A
---F 006 40001 A
F 025 60000 A
--I 025 60001 A
I 038 40000 A
---B#17[8000], B#18[6000], F#1[4000], I#1[4000]Feb 81
Mar 81------G 358 40001 A
G 409 60000 A
H 012 80001 A
H 025 60000 A
----G#20[8000?], G#21[8000?], H#1[4000]Mar 81
Apr 81--C 038 40001 A
C 051 20000 A
------J 051 20001 A
J 076 80000 A
--C#1[4000], J#3[4000]Apr 81
May 81A 076 80001 A
A 089 60000 A
--D 179 20001 A
D 230 40000 A
E 153 60001 A
E 192 00000 A
-G 409 60001 A
G 473 60000 A
-----A#6[4000], D#15[4000], E#6[4000], G#22[4000]May 81
Jun 81----------K 089 60001 A
K 115 20000 A
--Jun 81
Jul 81-----------L 128 00001 A
L 140 80000 A
L#6[4000]Jul 81
Aug 81-------------Aug 81
Sep 81-------------Sep 81
Oct 81-B 409 60001 A
B 499 20000 A
-----H 025 60001 A
H 038 40000 A
----B#19[8000], B#20[8000], H#2[4000], H#3[8000]Oct 81
Nov 81A 089 60001 A
A 166 40000 A
---------K 115 20001 A
K 140 80000 A
L 140 80001 A
L 192 00000 A
A#7[16000], K#5[4000], L#7[8000]Nov 81
Dec 81-------------Dec 81
Jan 82----E 192 00001 A
E 243 20000 A
-------E#7[4000], E#8[4000], G#23[8000], K#6[4000]Jan 82
End Series 1977 $50

The ranges listed in italics are missing from the BEP reports. It appears that these serial number ranges were in fact printed, so I've inserted them into the table in approximately their correct locations.

In October 1980, the standard print run for $50 star notes was increased from 2000 to 20,000 sheets. Any district which had stars printed both before and after this change will have a factor-of-ten gap in its serial numbering; for example, district A used no serials between A 001 92001 * and A 019 20000 *.

The BEP reports never listed runs #20 and #21 of the Chicago star notes, insteadskipping from run #19 in January 1981 to run #22 in May 1981. Based on the serials of observed notes, both runs were actually printed, and they comprised at least 8000 and 7000 sheets respectively.

Series statistics (explanation)

Totals incl. stars:242656363
Special printings:0/00/00Star rate:4.56%
Grand totals:24/2426/2656

Main Page | Serials mainBill

+ United States Dollar (US$) General information
Quick links to banknotes:
- 1 US Dollar
- 5 US Dollar
- 10 US Dollar
- 20 US Dollar
- 50 US Dollar
- 100 US Dollar

(banknote with denomination of $2 is very rarely used)

Series 1977 Twenty Dollar Bill

Size: 155.956 x 66.294 mm
Paper type:
75% cotton
25% linen

The Twenty US dollar bill ($20) is adenomination of United States currency. U.S. President Andrew Jackson iscurrently featured on the front side of the bill, which is why the twenty-dollarbill is often called a 'Jackson,' while the White House is featured on thereverse side.
The twenty-dollar bill in the past was referred to as a 'double-sawbuck'because it is twice the value of a ten-dollar bill, which was nicknamed a'sawbuck' due to the resemblance the Roman numeral for ten (X) bears to the legsof a sawbuck, although this usage had largely fallen out of favor by the 1980s.The twenty dollar gold coin was known as a 'double eagle'. Rather than anickname, this nomenclature was specified by an act of Congress.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing says the average circulation life of a Twenty US dollar bill($20) is 25 months (2 years) before it is replaced due to wear. Approximately30% of all notes printed in 2014 were $20 bills. Twenty-dollar bills aredelivered by Federal Reserve Banks in violet straps.
+Security Features:
Security features can help you to tell if a 20 dollar bill is fake or real.

Color-Shifting Ink
Tilt your twenty dollar note to see if the numeral 20 in the lower right corner on the front of thebill changes color from copper to green. The color shift is more dramatic inthe redesigned currency, making it easier for people to check their money.
Hold the bill to light and look for thewatermark, or faint image, similar to the large portrait. The watermark is part of the paperitself and can be seen from both sides of thebill.
Security Thread

1977 Twenty Dollar Bill Worth

Hold the twenty dollar note to light and look for the security threadthat is embedded in the paper and runs vertically up one side of the bill. Ifyou look closely, the words USA TWENTY and a small flag are visiblealong the thread from both sides of the bill. The security thread glows greenwhen illuminated by ultraviolet light.
Additional Design and security features

The redesigned currency remains the same sizeand uses the same, but enhanced portraits and historical images as theolder-design bills, and importantly, continues to be recognized around the worldas quintessentially American.

Value Of 1977 Dollar Bill

Symbols of Freedom
Appearing on the front of the bill are two Americaneagle symbols of freedom. The large blue eagle in the background to the left ofPresident Andrew Jackson's portrait is representative of those drawn andsculpted during his time period. The smaller green metallic eagle to the lowerright of the portrait is a more contemporary illustration, using the same raisedink intaglio process as the portrait, numerals and engravings. The symbols offreedom differ for each denomination.
Updated Portrait and Vignette1977 twenty dollar bill real money
The oval borders and fine lines surrounding the portrait of President Jacksonon the front, and the White House vignette on the back, have been removed.The portrait has been moved up and shoulders have been extended into theborder. Additional engraving details have been added to the vignette background.

Low-Vision Feature
The numeral 20 in the lower right corneron the back of the Twenty dollar note is enlarged to help those with visual impairmentsdistinguish the denomination.1977 Twenty Dollar Bill Real
Because they are so small, microprinted words arehard to replicate. The redesigned $20 bill features microprinting on the frontof the bill in two areas: bordering the first three letters of the TWENTYUSA ribbon to the right of the portrait, the inscription USA20 isprinted in blue. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 20 USA 20 appears inblack on the border below the Treasurer's signature.
Federal Reserve Indicators
A universal seal to the left of the portraitrepresents the entire Federal Reserve System. A letter and number beneath theleft serial number identifies the issuing Federal Reserve Bank. There are 12regional Federal Reserve Banks and 24 branches located in major citiesthroughout the United States.
Serial Numbers
The unique combination of eleven numbers and lettersappears twice on the front of the bill. Because they are unique identifiers,serial numbers help law enforcement identify counterfeit notes, and they alsohelp the Bureau of Engraving and Printing track quality standards for the notesthey produce.
(info for older series of US Dollars click

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