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Reading the Plagues of Locust, Darkness, and Firstborn in their Ancient Egyptian Context


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‍The Cultural Setting of the Exodus Story: Egypt

Every literature has its cultural setting – the Bible no less than any other. For the people of ancient Israel, that cultural setting was the world of the polytheists around them. In the specific case of the exodus narrative, the context was the world of ancient Egypt.

A stellar illustration of this process appears at the beginning of Parashat Bo. This section of the Torah relates the last three of the plagues: locusts (10:1-20), darkness (10:21-29), and the death of the firstborn (11:1-10, 12:29-30),[1] each of which resonates with literary and religious motifs from the world of ancient Egypt.

Pharaoh’s Pun – Raʿa or Ra Is Before You

In Exodus 10:10, Pharaoh says to Moses and Aaron, during one of their ongoing exchanges, רְא֕וּ כִּ֥י רָעָ֖ה נֶ֥גֶד פְּנֵיכֶֽם (reʾu ki raʿa neged penekem), literally “see, for there is evil before you,” or more idiomatically “look, you are up to no good.” By sheer coincidence, the Hebrew word רָעָה raʿa “evil” is the name of the Egyptian sun-god Ra, the head of the pantheon. In this bilingual pun, made possible by this linguistic coincidence, not only does Pharaoh deny the request of the Israelites to worship their God, but he also states, as it were, “that Ra is before you.”[2]

This effrontery resounds in the next three plagues: no. 8, locusts, which blot out the sun in midday (see 10:15); no. 9, darkness, most commonly understood as a sandstorm, which darkens the skies for three days (see 10:22); and no. 10, the death of the firstborn at midnight, the darkest part of the night, when Ra is most distant from shining (see 12:29).

Given the cultural context of ancient Egypt, the perceptive ancient Hebrew reader would have realized the connection between Pharaoh’s impudent statement in 10:10 and the subsequent narrative, with its focus on the worst possible chain of events for the Egyptian nation, the disappearance of their omnipresent sun-god Ra.

Locusts: Blotting Out the Sun

The Eye of the Land and the Eye of Ra

Playing on this motif, in 10:15, the text states that the locusts covered עֵ֣ין כָּל־הָאָרֶץ֮ ʿen kol ha-ʾareṣ “the eye of the whole land,”[3] a rare idiom in Hebrew, but one very much at home in the Egyptian language. This Hebrew phrase most likely is an adaptation of the Egyptian expression ir.t rʿ, literally, “the eye of Ra,” used to designate the sun and, by extension, Egypt too.

Tradition’s Familiarity with the Egyptian Motif

Remarkably, later Jewish tradition understood these passages within their Egyptian cultural context. First, Midrash Shir ha-Shirim, commenting on Song 1:12, reads,

ראו כי רעה נגד פניכם - אמר ליה אני רואה באצטגנינות שלי כוכב אחד עולה לקראתכם ושמו רעה, והוא סימן דם והריגה.

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He [sc. Pharaoh] said to him, “I see through my astrology a star rising to meet you, and its name is Raʿa, and it is a sign of blood and killing.” (ed. Grünhut, p. 15a = ed. Wertheimer, p. 41).[4]

This interpretation, in turn, is quoted by Rashi (Exodus 10:10):

ומדרש אגדה שמעתי כוכב אחד יש ששמו רעה. אמר להם פרעה רואה אני באיצטגנינות שלי אותו כוכב עולה לקראתכם במדבר והוא סימן דם והריגה.
I heard a midrash aggada: There is a star, and its name is Raʿa. Pharaoh said to them, “I see through my astrology this star rising to meet you in the wilderness, and it is a sign of blood and killing.”[5]

In rather extraordinary fashion, these midrashic sources understood רָעָה raʿa not only as “evil,” but also as the name of the Egyptian sun-god (or at least a star by the name of Ra, which is close enough for our present purposes), hence we may wish to render the passage: “see, for there is evil/Ra before you.”[6]

Likewise, it is rather surprising that in rendering the phrase עֵין (כָּל־)הָאָרֶץ ʿen (kol) ha-ʾareṣ “the eye of the (whole) land,” Targum Onqelos departs from its typical strategy of word-for-word translation, and instead translates עין שמשא דארעא ʿen šimšaʾ de-ʾarʿaʾ ‘the eye of the sun of the land’ in 10:5 and עין שמשא דכל ארעא ʿen šimšaʾ de-kol ʾarʿaʾ “the eye of the sun of the whole land” in 10:15.[7] In both cases, Onqelos inserted the word שמשא šimšaʾ, “sun,” in the middle of the phrase. There can be little doubt that the ancient Aramaic translator realized that the rare Hebrew expression refers to the sun.

How such knowledge reached the author of Targum Onqelos we cannot know for sure, though it is not beyond possibility that Jewish tradition simply retained an understanding of the text with reference to the sun throughout the centuries.

Darkness: Blotting Out the Sun

The ninth plague, darkness, not only continues the attack on the sun-god Ra, but uses a literary trope found in two Egyptian texts.[8] The older of the two is the Prophecy of Nefer-rohu, the words of an Egyptian sage who lived c. 2000 b.c.e.[9] In discussing the upheaval which has befallen Egypt, the writer states,

“The sun disc is covered. It will not shine, allowing people to see . . . No one knows when midday occurs, for his shadow cannot be distinguished.”
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A more specific parallel occurs in a later Demotic text , known as Setne Khamwas and Si-Osire (or Setne II, for short)[10]. Setne Khamwas was the son of Rameses II and high priest of Memphis, and a great magician, about whom a series of tales developed. In one story, Setne Khamwas’s son, Si-Osire, surpasses him in wisdom and magic. In the course of the storytelling, Si-Osire quotes an unnamed Nubian magician, as follows:

“One of them was talking in a loud voice and said among other things: ‘Were it not that Amun would find fault with me, and that the king of Egypt would punish me, I would cast my sorceries upon Egypt and would make the people of Egypt spend three days and three nights seeing no light, only darkness’.”

In other words, the Egyptians believed that the most skillful of magicians could bring darkness to the land.

The reference to three days of darkness in Exodus 10:22-23 is especially striking. These traditions concerning darkness presumably are based on the reality of the sandstorms which affect Egypt on a regular basis (those who have seen the film The English Patient will recall the vivid scene).

Death of the Firstborn: An Ancient Egyptian Myth

The tenth plague, the death of the first-born Egyptians at midnight, also has Egyptian parallels, though they are of a much more enigmatic nature.[11] As is well known, ancient Egypt had a well-developed funerary cult, including funerary texts that span the various epochs (Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom). The funerary texts of the Old Kingdom period were written on the walls of the pyramids themselves, and hence are called the Pyramid Texts. The following passage appears on the walls of the pyramids of Unas, c. 2350 b.c.e., and Teti, c. 2320 b.c.e., both at Saqqara:[12]

It is the king who will be judged with Him-whose-name-is-hidden on this day of the slaying of the first-born (smsw; lit. “eldest”).[13]

During the Middle Kingdom period, Egyptian scribes wrote the funerary texts on wooden coffins, and hence this collective group is called the Coffin Texts. On two coffins, both found at Asyut, we read,

“I am he who will be judged with Him-whose-name-is-hidden on this night of the slaying of the first-born (wrw).”[14]

On four other coffins (two found at Saqqara, two found at el-Barsha), we read,

“this night of the slaying of the first-born, this day of the slaying of the first-born (wrw).”[15]

In these cases, the word for ‘first-born’ is wrw, literally “big, great,” in the plural, with the “deity” determinative following, suggesting that the expression refers to gods in some way; this contrasts with the first source which uses the word smsw, “eldest,” with no determinative following.

An Obscure Reference

We know very little about “this day of the slaying of the first-born,” or “this night of the slaying of the first-born,” or the composite version with both “night” and “day” (in the second of the Coffin Texts noted above). But clearly this motif meant something to the ancient Egyptians.

Moreover, apparently this motif was also known to the ancient Israelites, as it became part of the tradition relating to the Exodus from Egypt (not only in Exodus 12, but in Psalms 78:51, 105:36, as well). This assimilation of an Egyptian motif into various biblical compositions is clear, despite the chronological gap of a millennium or so between the Coffin Texts dated to c. 2000 b.c.e., and the exodus narrative, which, in my view, achieved its more or less canonical form c. 1000 b.c.e.[16] Perhaps because of the depth of the tradition in ancient Egypt, it remained well-known for a millennium even though it is not attested in any extant texts from a later period.

Regardless of how this echo of a myth is to be understood, the following conclusion of the late Israeli Egyptologist, Mordechai Gilula, remains true:

“These passages are strong evidence that a mythological tale once circulated in which some or all of the first-born in Egypt – whether gods, mortals or animals – were slain on a certain day or night. Such a myth may very likely lie in the background of the biblical account.”[17]

Widening the Scope to All Ten Plagues

Scholars have noted that the earlier plagues affect various Egyptian deities: the first plague with reference to Ḥapi, the Nile-god (though more accurately, the god of the inundation of the Nile); the second plague with reference to Ḥeqet, the frog-goddess associated with life; the fifth-plague with reference to Apis, the bull, and Hathor, the cow; etc. The eighth, ninth, and tenth plagues, I submit, are all directed at Ra in some fashion, especially in light (pun intended?) of Pharaoh’s comment in 10:10, which began this essay.

Understanding Egypt – Understanding the Torah

Exodus 12:12 states that God performs judgments not only against the Egyptian people, but also וּבְכָל־אֱלֹהֵ֥י מִצְרַ֛יִם (u-be-kol ʾelohe miṣrayim) “and against all the gods of Egypt.” Our analysis of the plagues narrative within its broader Egyptian cultural setting returns us to this explicit statement in the Bible itself, and helps us uncover the meaning and implication of that statement.

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[1] Unlike the other plagues, in the case of the tenth plague, the warning issued to Pharaoh in 11:1-10 and the plague itself in 12:29-30 are not contiguous, but rather are separated by the interspersed material in Exodus 12:1-28 concerning the Pesaḥ rituals.

[2] For my earlier study, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “The Egyptian Sun-God Ra in the Pentateuch,” Henoch 10 (1988), pp. 3-15, in particular pp. 6-7 – available at my website: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/63-the-egyptian-sun-god-ra-in-the-pentateuch/file). For other instances of bilingual puns in the Bible, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “Bilingual Wordplay in the Bible,” Vetus Testamentum 38 (1988), pp. 354-357 – available at my website: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/62-bilingual-wordplay-in-the-bible/file).

[3] Exodus 10:5, in predicting the eighth plague, has the shorter phrase עֵ֣ין הָאָ֔רֶץ ʿen ha-ʾareṣ“the eye of the land.”

[4] The sources are available, respectively, at http://hebrewbooks.org/33210 (Grünhut) andhttp://www.hebrewbooks.org/22215 (Wertheimer) (though see n. 182 in this latter edition). See also Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews (7 vols.; Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1910-1946), vol. 5, p. 431, n. 196. The two aggadic collections Midrash Shir ha-Shirim and Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah are apparently different enough to be considered two separate compilations, though there is considerable overlap between them. I am grateful to Burt Visotzky (J.T.S.) for a clarification of the issues involved with these two rabbinic texts. I am further indebted to my able research assistant Charles Loder for tracking down this material at the Hebrew Books website. Finally, for a similar passage, see Yalquṭ Shimʿoni, Ki Tissaʾ, remez 392.

[5] Rashi references this again at Joshua 5:9, where he also identifies his contemporary Moshe ha-Darshan of Narbonne as his source. My thanks to Zev Farber for directing my attention to Rashi on Joshua 5:9, especially since this passage occurs outside the plagues narrative in Exodus which we are analyzing here.

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[6] Another source, Midrash Leqaḥ Ṭov (Exodus 10:10) states that Pharaoh’s words were: “My god Baal-zephon will oppose you in the way and hinder you on your journey.” But our focus here should remain on Ra, in keeping with the general tenor of this essay. Baal was a Canaanite deity, though I hasten to add that he was adopted into the Egyptian pantheon during New Kingdom times, though identified mainly with Seth, not with Ra.

[7] See my earlier study, Gary A. Rendsburg, “Targum Onqelos to Exod 10:5, 10:15, Numb 22:5, 22:11,” Henoch 12 (1990), pp. 15-17 – available at my website: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/72-targum-onqelos-to-exod-10-5-10-15-numb-22-5-22-11/file).

[8] For what follows, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “Moses the Magician,” in Thomas E. Levy, Thomas Schneider, and William H. C. Propp, eds., Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective: Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience (Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences; Berlin: Springer, 2015), pp. 243-258, in particular pp. 248-249.

[9] The manuscript is housed in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

[10] This manuscript is housed in the British Museum and bears the designation P. BM 604, verso.

[11] The passages which follow were first connected to the tenth plague by Mordechai Gilula, “The Smiting of the First-Born: An Egyptian Myth?” Tel-Aviv 4 (1977), pp. 94-95. Gilula’s basic statement was brought to a wider audience by Ziony Zevit, “Three Ways to Look at the Ten Plagues,” Bible Review 6/3 (June 1990), pp. 16-23, 42. For the most detailed treatment, including a presentation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, see Rendsburg, “Moses the Magician,” pp. 249-251.

[12] The technical designation of this section is Pyramid Texts, par. 399a-b (within the poetry known as the “Cannibal Hymn”) = Unas 508 // Teti 322.

[13] The word for ‘first-born’ here, smsw (‘eldest’) is in the plural, with no determinative following. ‘Determinative’ is the technical term used by Egyptologists for the hieroglyphic symbol that occurs at the end of most nouns and verbs, and which serves to determine the lexical class of the noun or verb. Thus, a ‘man’ sign indicates males, a ‘woman’ sign indicates females, a ‘bird’ sign indicates birds, etc. In this particular case, somewhat oddly, the wordsmsw bears no determinative.

[14] The technical designation of this passage is Coffin Texts, §178p, Spell 573.

[15] The technical designation of this passage is Coffin Texts, §163b-c, Spell 136.

[16] For my most recent statement on the matter, albeit with a focus on Genesis rather than Exodus, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “The Genesis of the Bible,” in The Blanche and Irving Laurie Chair in Jewish History, Separatum published by the Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2005), pp. 11-30 – available online at: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/117-the-genesis-of-the-bible/file.

[17] Gilula, “The Smiting of the First-Born: p. 95

[1] Unlike the other plagues, in the case of the tenth plague, the warning issued to Pharaoh in 11:1-10 and the plague itself in 12:29-30 are not contiguous, but rather are separated by the interspersed material in Exodus 12:1-28 concerning the Pesaḥ rituals.

[2] For my earlier study, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “The Egyptian Sun-God Ra in the Pentateuch,” Henoch 10 (1988), pp. 3-15, in particular pp. 6-7 – available at my website: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/63-the-egyptian-sun-god-ra-in-the-pentateuch/file). For other instances of bilingual puns in the Bible, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “Bilingual Wordplay in the Bible,” Vetus Testamentum 38 (1988), pp. 354-357 – available at my website: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/62-bilingual-wordplay-in-the-bible/file).

[3] Exodus 10:5, in predicting the eighth plague, has the shorter phrase עֵ֣ין הָאָ֔רֶץ ʿen ha-ʾareṣ“the eye of the land.”

[4] The sources are available, respectively, at http://hebrewbooks.org/33210 (Grünhut) andhttp://www.hebrewbooks.org/22215 (Wertheimer) (though see n. 182 in this latter edition). See also Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews (7 vols.; Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1910-1946), vol. 5, p. 431, n. 196. The two aggadic collections Midrash Shir ha-Shirim and Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah are apparently different enough to be considered two separate compilations, though there is considerable overlap between them. I am grateful to Burt Visotzky (J.T.S.) for a clarification of the issues involved with these two rabbinic texts. I am further indebted to my able research assistant Charles Loder for tracking down this material at the Hebrew Books website. Finally, for a similar passage, see Yalquṭ Shimʿoni, Ki Tissaʾ, remez 392.

[5] Rashi references this again at Joshua 5:9, where he also identifies his contemporary Moshe ha-Darshan of Narbonne as his source. My thanks to Zev Farber for directing my attention to Rashi on Joshua 5:9, especially since this passage occurs outside the plagues narrative in Exodus which we are analyzing here.

[6] Another source, Midrash Leqaḥ Ṭov (Exodus 10:10) states that Pharaoh’s words were: “My god Baal-zephon will oppose you in the way and hinder you on your journey.” But our focus here should remain on Ra, in keeping with the general tenor of this essay. Baal was a Canaanite deity, though I hasten to add that he was adopted into the Egyptian pantheon during New Kingdom times, though identified mainly with Seth, not with Ra.

[7] See my earlier study, Gary A. Rendsburg, “Targum Onqelos to Exod 10:5, 10:15, Numb 22:5, 22:11,” Henoch 12 (1990), pp. 15-17 – available at my website: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/72-targum-onqelos-to-exod-10-5-10-15-numb-22-5-22-11/file).

[8] For what follows, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “Moses the Magician,” in Thomas E. Levy, Thomas Schneider, and William H. C. Propp, eds., Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective: Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience (Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences; Berlin: Springer, 2015), pp. 243-258, in particular pp. 248-249.

[9] The manuscript is housed in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

[10] This manuscript is housed in the British Museum and bears the designation P. BM 604, verso.

[11] The passages which follow were first connected to the tenth plague by Mordechai Gilula, “The Smiting of the First-Born: An Egyptian Myth?” Tel-Aviv 4 (1977), pp. 94-95. Gilula’s basic statement was brought to a wider audience by Ziony Zevit, “Three Ways to Look at the Ten Plagues,” Bible Review 6/3 (June 1990), pp. 16-23, 42. For the most detailed treatment, including a presentation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, see Rendsburg, “Moses the Magician,” pp. 249-251.

[12] The technical designation of this section is Pyramid Texts, par. 399a-b (within the poetry known as the “Cannibal Hymn”) = Unas 508 // Teti 322.

[13] The word for ‘first-born’ here, smsw (‘eldest’) is in the plural, with no determinative following. ‘Determinative’ is the technical term used by Egyptologists for the hieroglyphic symbol that occurs at the end of most nouns and verbs, and which serves to determine the lexical class of the noun or verb. Thus, a ‘man’ sign indicates males, a ‘woman’ sign indicates females, a ‘bird’ sign indicates birds, etc. In this particular case, somewhat oddly, the wordsmsw bears no determinative.

[14] The technical designation of this passage is Coffin Texts, §178p, Spell 573.

[15] The technical designation of this passage is Coffin Texts, §163b-c, Spell 136.

[16] For my most recent statement on the matter, albeit with a focus on Genesis rather than Exodus, see Gary A. Rendsburg, “The Genesis of the Bible,” in The Blanche and Irving Laurie Chair in Jewish History, Separatum published by the Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2005), pp. 11-30 – available online at: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docman/rendsburg/117-the-genesis-of-the-bible/file.

[17] Gilula, “The Smiting of the First-Born: p. 95

Prof. Gary Rendsburg serves as the Blanche and Irving Laurie Professor of Jewish History in the Department of Jewish Studies at Rutgers University. His Ph.D. and M.A. are from N.Y.U. Rendsburg is the author of seven books and about 190 articles; his most recent book is How the Bible Is Written.

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    Customize your Stickman with the new accessories store plus the color system!
    * Now there are Masks, Hats, Glasses️ and Pets available for your Stickman!
    * Classic Mode: A Player with bots and their incredible artificial intelligence.
    * Impossible Mode: Only the smartest can survive, If you do it wrong, our friends will not have a good time.
    * Team Mode: The mission is to defeat the enemy team and show who is the best player
    * Survival mode: You will face numerous warriors that come in waves. Time to be a true hero.
    * Level up and become the strongest.
    * Collect weapons or items that fall in the game to quickly increase in strength, speed, defense or power.
    * More than 80 total levels.
    * More than 80 visual backgrounds.
    * More than 25 obstacles of all kinds
  • The container is very sad because it is empty. Your job is to close the tap so that just the right liquid comes out to fill the bottle and fill with liquid so that it smiles again!
    Stay tuned and control your nerves to calculate the level of liquid needed for each container and so you can complete each level.
    You have to avoid wasting the liquid that comes out of the tap since you would be eliminated.
    Some levels may seem easy, but let's see if you can really beat them.
    features :
    * containers of different shapes and sizes.
    * It is a simple, smart and fun puzzle, but it is very challenging.
    * Many levels and more to come!
    * Minimalist, fun and relaxing theme that you can play for a long time.
  • The official Dolphin Emulator beta version, updated every month with the latest improvements to our software.
    THIS APP DOES NOT COME WITH GAMES. You must own and acquire your own games to use them with Dolphin.
    Visit our website at http://dolphin-emu.org/ and receive support in our forums!
    This app is licensed by the GNU GPL v2+, and the full source code is available through the public Git repository at https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin
  • Caboom Is a amazing shooting game with challenging stages.
    Game Features
    *Amazing game play effects, graphic and sound.
    *Different soldier player with different guns
    *Smooth, customizable controller
    *Classic edition game's style
    *User- friendly interface.
  • Get ready for a dynamic battle with the octopus monster in our Octopus Rhythm Battle App!
    Octopus Rhythm Battle Features:
    Endless gameplay!
    Bright graphics and dynamic music!
    The opportunity to fight the octopus monster on any mobile device!
    Download Octopus Rhythm Battle for free now!
  • GANADOR del DeceptionJam en 2015.
    Este no juego no se ha rehecho con un nuevo motor de juego para obtener mejores resultados.
    Y no hemos incluido algunos nuevos gráficos mejorados y nuevas voces.
    No hay juego No hay nada que hacer.
    No toque en ningún lugar. De Verdad. NO LO TAPE EN NINGUNA PARTE.
    No te rías ya que no hay nada de qué reír.
    No intentes tocar la pantalla de tu móvil.
    ¡Es bajo su propio riesgo!
    ¡No hay juego!
    ¡No nos sigas en Twitter si estás interesado en nuestro próximo juego que no sea de juego!
  • The year is 1941…but not as you know it. The treacherous Raven army spreads chaos and destruction worldwide, and only a noble commander on the Warpath can turn the tide. Build an army from over 90 types of classic military units and fight alongside the greatest generals of the 20th century to strike back and save the day!
    • 100+ realistic army units
    • Authentic WW2 weapon specifications
    • Immersive wartime atmosphere
    • Choose your infantry, tanks and artillery
    • Real-time battles on an enormous Map
    • Scout unchartered terrain
    • Attack hostile forces with raging firepower
    • Lead your army to achieve strategic objectives
    • Use military intelligence to determine your next move
    • Resist Raven's evil plot to take back territory
    • Determine the fate of historic campaigns
    • Unite allies to triumph victorious
    • Build a mighty alliance with immense power
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playwarpath
  • Color Crush Blocks is easy to play just tap on two same color cubes and they will pop and new blocks will fall down.
    Color Crush is a free block game puzzle.
    All you have to do is popping matching cubes. No need to match 3 cubes, it is perfectly possible to match 2 cubes from the same color at least.
    This game is the best time killer game! But be careful when you blast these cubes, because it is also a highly addictive puzzle game.
    You can play Color Crush anywhere you want. You can play it on the subway, bus, or even while walking. Play it at your home, school, or office and just pause whenever you want.
    ★ Simple & Fun collapse game
    ★ Classic Match game style, with a twist
    ★ Different cube designs
    ★ Easy to play, yet hard to master
    ★ You can play offline - no wifi needed
    ★ Absolutely free puzzle game!
    Have fun!
    If you have any suggestions or if you encounter any problems with this game or any other of my mobile games, please write to me: [email protected]
    I would love to hear from you!
  • From the depths of the gritty sandmaze to the dankness of the sloppy kitchen, you'll experience it all with a game that remains truthful to its origins and throws the unexpected at you when you're least expecting it!
  • The evil spirit tricked you. Now you have to make everything right, because others have tried and failed for centuries...
    “Darkness and Flame. Enemy in Reflection” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters and complicated quests.
    Power of the Flame is restored, Alice and her friends escaped from the Dark Army. In search of a place to rest, they stop at a strange glade and allow themselves to relax...
    However, in this new hostile world, one cannot lose its vigilance even for a minute. And the reckoning for carelessness will not take long... Alice finds herself dragged into a battle with the evil that is older than darkness itself.
    She'll have to solve questions that many generations of brave men couldn't. This time, friends won't come to the rescue - they have fallen victim to a powerful curse.
    Will Alice be able to make everything right? Will she find new friends that are ready to help? She was used to the dangers, but will her courage help in a world where no one hopes for salvation any longer?
    Alongside Alice you will explore the pristine beauty of Fertile Lands and find long-forgotten secrets. Solve puzzles and collect everything that can help her stop an ancient evil. Give people a new hope of salvation!
    Find out how to stop the ancient force that lured you into a trap
    Explore new lands in search of answers and solutions
    Solve lots of incredible puzzles
    Get help from new friends
    Gather amazing collections and find dozens of morphing-objects.
    The game is optimized for tablets and phones!
    +++ Get more games created by FIVE-BN GAMES! +++
    WWW: http://five-bn.com
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fivebn/
    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fivebngames
    YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/fivebn
    PINTEREST: https://pinterest.com/five_bn/
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/five_bn/
  • Halloween themed items like Frankenstein, mummy, pirate, and more. Free App!
  • Need to attempt another test? In baldi excessively moderate release you need to escape from baldi in moderate Education speed. Each one Rope Hero including us, the understudy Basics, baldi and player is strolling so moderate. Everybody appear to be moderate, depleted and tired in light of the fact that yesterday they force Education themselves in super ultra quick game training and learn class. In spite of the fact that baldi appear Rope Hero to be moderate and pitiful tired he actually Basics continue rebuffing understudies who noting incorrectly in math Education subject, addressing all inquiry wrong in YCTP or when you get any moderate scratch pad in any riddle room and homeroom.
    Keep your eyes open for baldi super ultra moderate and the entirety of his wierdo Education companions, since you have to discover 8 journals before you can Basics escape from frightfulness terrifying Rope Hero research center school instruction with secretive completion you can discover. Gotta clear, domineering jerk recess, ruthless head and other dismal character including Education baldi will attempt Chef to back you off, not on the grounds Iron Man that they loves you on the grounds Basics that ba Rope Heroldi is super ultra moderate like Cook snail. No! baldi will never at any point causes you in light of the fact that baldi madness neurotic Education numerical educator super ultra moderate release mod rendition will blow up soon. At the point Rope Hero when you gather a moderate note pad, you have to respond to arithmetic issues and questions gradually, something Basics else in Education the event that you Iron Man addressed it wrong, baldi does't care for understudies and baldi is tragic super ultra moderate will rebuff them since wrong is denied Rope Hero and should be improved increasingly slow be dismal.
    Attempt to beat your own Basics highscore, locate the dismal unique mystery finishing Education from baldi super ultra moderate release game mod variant Rope Hero with all new awfulness baldi exceptional upbeat and baldi mystery finishing including baldi mystery Iron Man secret room easter Basics egg in game is likewise Rope Hero accessible as Education well. Anyway, what are you hanging tight for? Right away, we should begin playing with baldi super ultra moderate version game mod with your gaming network.
  • Lol Dolls Coloring Book offer many Coloring pages for everybody, particularly for girls. In the event that you are a manikin fan - you should attempt this application! The Lol Dolls Coloring Book is totally FREE! No web association required, simply set and paint dolls!
    - Bright colors, different brushes, glitter, hearts and stars, neon effects - will help paint dolls pics!
    - You can draw doodle on picture with glitter!
    - Lol Dolls Coloring Book free game is the best free coloring game in Market!
    **** FEATURES Coloring Pages Lol Dolls:
    - More than 200 Pencils Colors.
    - Different styles of colors to increase real coloring experience .
    - Change the size of pencil you want makes drawing Lol Dolls
    - Eraser tool to erase the unwanted color .
    - You can share, store your artwork .
    - Save & Share options
    - Easy to use
    - 100 % Free app
    - Available for offline use!
    All of the coloring pages are for free.
    Dolls Glitter Coloring Book on android has over 100 coloring pages for girls and boys.
    Coloring pages are great educational coloring games for dolls . you can start drawing pages and start learning how to manually fill pictures.
    Our aim is to provide the best value for your family, enable them to develop visual and cognitive abilities, learn to communicate with their peers and the environment around them, and to obtain better life skills. Each game is designed by professionals.
  • Start coloring books now with the new game: Gacha Coloring Book! Stop Anixity, no stress, no worry only enjoy and fun.
    Enjoy the pictures of mandala, florals, animals and patterns.
    We just release our amazing Gacha Life Coloring Book 2020 game for creative people, for providing time effectively.
    Find and create best wallpaper for your best Gacha life game, choose your coloring image to use in the Gacha coloring book, once you have found your best coloring book for Gacha, you can create new wallpapers that you can use on your device with your perfected colors and colors selections.
    Gacha ! Coloring Gacha Book It's A special bendy Game
    That Allows you as an illustrator Freak! To color every single detail You Want!
    Don't worry we draw it For you just pick any pack of colors and paint!
    Gacha Coloring Book is the most Flexible Coloring App with much futures That you need to figure it out
    The best Gacha book that you can find in the store, containing a marvelous and lot of pictures of Gacha.
    * Features :
    50 high quality coloring book pages for Gacha, that you will love to color
    240 unique fill colors
    You can zoom the image with 2 fingers
    Repaint the images as many times as you want
    You can save your artwork and share it with your friends
    Download it for free and enjoy it :D
  • Excellent Application of addition, subtraction and multiplication math games to encourage rapid learning.
    Download now, our great application of the best math games from the Play Store and share with your friends this amazing math game that contains addition games, subtraction games and multiplication games and much more.
  • In this Application you will find your best favorite sports games / sports games completely free and without registration.
    ⛹️‍♂‍ Download now, this excellent application so you can play your favorite sports on your Tablet, smartphone or cell phone, such as soccer, tennis, basketball, ski, snow skating and many more sports. ⛹️‍♂‍
    Enjoy your free sports games, with excellent graphics and sound.
    In our application you will find the best sports games of drift cars, basketball, tennis, snowboard, ski, penalty's, bowling, so you can enjoy it to the fullest
  • Total emoji game is an emoji puzzle this is the best imagination game, there is you need to connect a couple of emoji by your emotions. There some bonus levels in this emoji images puzzle game your goal is to find the odd emoji among other emojis. Also, there is a memory puzzle to find the matching emoji. Think and find ideas for each puzzle and just tap one or drag to draw a line by one on the emoji from different columns to connect them with a line. If you correctly connect all the emoji, you pass the level.
    Assume and discover the idea of every puzzle. Just tap separately at the elements from distinctive columns to attach them with a line. Correctly join all the elements and you pass the level. Harder than you think!
    Challenge your friends to see who can solve the most puzzles.
    Total Emoji Games Features:
    Expert and extreme levels.
    Hints are awarded to help you figure out the answer.
    High-quality graphics.
    Get a bonus level after complete 5 emoji puzzles.
New Apps
  • Safe, ad-free fun for your little ones.
    Help Clarence rediscover his Christmas Cheer by showing him what the Squirrels each love best about Christmas.
    Play six fun-packed Christmas games as Duggee and the Squirrels set out to earn their Christmas Badges, as well as the all important Duggee Hug.
    Key Features:
    • Six fun activities with a variety of gameplay styles
    • Get creative as you design your own Christmas hat with Happy
    • Learn Christmas tunes as you play along with Tag
    • Practice your construction skills as you build a Gingerbread House with Norrie
    • Test your powers of observation as you hunt the Christmas Potato with Roly
    • Design the perfect cracker before giving it a pull with Betty
    • Try to guess the present as you rip through the wrapping paper with Duggee
    • Add your creations to the Clubhouse and watch Clarence get his Christmas cheer back
    Pull Crackers with Betty
    Betty loves a crackingly good Christmas Cracker - so let's help her to make one. After you've decorated your design, give it a pull to see what you have won! Listen up for an almighty bang!!
    Play tunes with Tag
    Tag likes nothing more than a seasonal Christmas tune! Be the perfect accompaniment to his singing, by playing along on the keyboard.
    Make a Christmas Hat with Happy
    There's one thing that's guaranteed to make Happy, happy - and that's a Christmas Hat! Cut out your design and add the perfect finishing touches before Happy models your creation.
    Find the Christmas Potato with Roly
    To Roly, it just wouldn't be Christmas without a festive game of Hunt the Potato. Leave no frog unturned, as you search the Clubhouse for that elusive tuber!
    Build a Gingerbread House with Norrie
    Norrie's idea of the perfect Christmas is a house made out of gingerbread. You'll need to construct and ice your sweet new home before inviting your guests to try it out for size.
    Unwrap Presents with Duggee
    For Duggee, Christmas is all about the presents – and his favourite part is the unwrapping! Try to guess each present as it arrives and then rip off the paper to reveal the surprise.
    Customer Care:
    If you experience any technical issues with this app please get in touch. Most issues can be easily fixed and we are happy to help. Contact us at [email protected]
    View our privacy policy here: https://www.bbcstudios.com/mobile-apps/
    About Studio AKA
    STUDIO AKA is a multi-BAFTA winning & Oscar-nominated independent animation studio & production company based in London. They are known internationally for their idiosyncratic & innovative work expressed across an eclectic range of projects. www.studioaka.co.uk
    About Scary Beasties
    Scary Beasties is a multi BAFTA winning mobile and online games developer specialising in kids' content, from pre-school through to the teen market. www.scarybeasties.com
    A Scary Beasties production for BBC Studios
  • Krakit is a code cracking game. Combine all the clues and find one solution.
  • New cool game from our studio.
    New idea.
    Cool design.
    Adaptive to all smartphones.
  • Pokpro - Hallo,biete euch ihr Texas und Omaha auf die einfachste Art an.Viele Privat Tisch für geschlossene Gruppen.Wenn ihr auch Interesse haben sollte für euer Lokal (eigene Spieler) einen Tisch zu betreiben meldet euch .
  • Quality Circle
  • You can try out all four modes: World Tour, Toad Rally, Remix 10, and Kingdom Builder.
  • Football TV LIVE Free - TV CABLE Guide, is a free application for you to enjoy as a family, made for soccer lovers who don't miss any favorite game, no matter where they are, thanks to this application that teaches you step by step how to watch live football for free.
    B Download this app for free now !!! what are you waiting for !!! ⚽⚽⚽
    Do not miss your favorite sports with the best programming of the live sports channels that we teach you how to see them in this free guide ⚽⚽⚽
    This is a very easy to use application, with which you can learn how to watch all football matches live and direct totally free. ✔️✔️✔️
    Enjoy your favorite encounters and matches live and direct. ⚽⚽⚽Watch the best live sports TV and live soccer.
    ✅In this Free LIVE football TV application - TV CABLE Guide you can find:
    Selection of sports tv channels by categories
    Description of each of the soccer tv channels
    Step by step guide to watch live tv and live football
    Football tv instructions
    Guide to watch tv on cell phones and tablets
    Applications to watch live tv
    LecciónFree live soccer channel selection
    NOTE: This application is only a guide where you can access the most complete and detailed instructions so that you can watch live TV and all the broadcasts of football matches live and direct; and also other sports from the most important tournaments in the world of soccer, tennis, golf, etc.
  • Slide wooden blocks strategically onto a panel and enjoy watching them click together. Complete horizontal and vertical lines to remove blocks and free up space. Can you beat your best score before the board is full and you run out of moves?
    Blockscape Wood Sudoku, which also goes by the name of Qblock is an addicting classic block style wooden puzzle game. block challenges to fit blocks of different shapes into a 10 × 10 grid. Wooden Block Puzzle is a real classic, no time limit and completely free elimination game. Play Blockscape Wood Sudoku every day, find all new combo mode.
    Highlights of Blockscape Wood Sudoku:
    - Most addictive game to keep breaking records and training your brain.
    - When you encounter difficulties, use props wisely.
    - Open the lucky package and you will find surprises .
    - The harmonious and comfortable natural wood style makes you feel no stress.
    - The small size of Wood Block does not take up too much equipment space.
    - A simple and funny puzzle game without any time or internet limit.
    - Totally free block puzzle game, suitable for all ages, you can enjoy block puzzle with families and friends.
  • MapiTech launches on the market the best official up-to-date RNC (raster) combined with S57 nautical charts (digital): marinas, wrecks, fishing spots, boat ramps, POI.
    This app displays seamlessly the beauty of paper charts, a 'look and feel' experience combined with S57 data.
    You will be impressed how appealing the raster charts look, how easily you pan and zoom and ..there's much more you will like about Mapitech App.
    The interactive menu is very intuitive, the maps are downloaded to the device itself, it works in OFFLINE mode. No need of Internet connection.
    Chart details and performances of a professional GPS chart plotter at a minimal cost.
    At glance:
    •It works without mobile coverage (OFFLINE)
    •Powerful search
    •Multiple overlays for different use (fishing, sailing or cruising)
    •ActiveCaptain community integration
    •KML KMZ GPX viewer and converter embedded in the app
    •Very detailed and updated charts
    •Markers & Favorites
    •Multiple tracks: Record your track, instant speed time, COG - course over ground
    •Geo - tagged photo management
    •Distance measure
    •GPS window with very detailed info
    •User friendly on latest android
    Join the Captain community of 100.000+ boaters who write review and provide updated hazard info. Must have for all boaters!
  • MapiTech launches on the market the best official up-to-date RNC (raster) combined with S57 nautical charts (digital): marinas, wrecks, fishing spots, boat ramps, POI.
    This app displays seamlessly the beauty of paper charts, a 'look and feel' experience combined with S57 data.
    You will be impressed how appealing the raster charts look, how easily you pan and zoom and ..there's much more you will like about Mapitech App.
    The interactive menu is very intuitive, the maps are downloaded to the device itself, it works in OFFLINE mode. No need of Internet connection.
    Chart details and performances of a professional GPS chart plotter at a minimal cost.
    At glance:
    •It works without mobile coverage (OFFLINE)
    •Powerful search
    •Multiple overlays for different use (fishing, sailing or cruising)
    •ActiveCaptain community integration
    •KML KMZ GPX viewer and converter embedded in the app
    •Very detailed and updated charts
    •Markers & Favorites
    •Multiple tracks: Record your track, instant speed time, COG - course over ground
    •Geo - tagged photo management
    •Distance measure
    •GPS window with very detailed info
    •User friendly on latest android
    Join the Captain community of 100.000+ boaters who write review and provide updated hazard info. Must have for all boaters!
  • MapiTech launches on the market the best official up-to-date RNC (raster) combined with S57 nautical charts (digital): marinas, wrecks, fishing spots, boat ramps, POI.
    This app displays seamlessly the beauty of paper charts, a 'look and feel' experience combined with S57 data.
    You will be impressed how appealing the raster charts look, how easily you pan and zoom and ..there's much more you will like about Mapitech App.
    The interactive menu is very intuitive, the maps are downloaded to the device itself, it works in OFFLINE mode. No need of Internet connection.
    Chart details and performances of a professional GPS chart plotter at a minimal cost.
    At glance:
    •It works without mobile coverage (OFFLINE)
    •Powerful search
    •Multiple overlays for different use (fishing, sailing or cruising)
    •ActiveCaptain community integration
    •KML KMZ GPX viewer and converter embedded in the app
    •Very detailed and updated charts
    •Markers & Favorites
    •Multiple tracks: Record your track, instant speed time, COG - course over ground
    •Geo - tagged photo management
    •Distance measure
    •GPS window with very detailed info
    •User friendly on latest android
    Join the Captain community of 100.000+ boaters who write review and provide updated hazard info. Must have for all boaters!
  • A ton of fun and dizzying prizes await you in our Sayonara K-no application! Play and win, because here they are waiting for you:
    Modern graphics
    User-friendly interface
    Pleasant sound design
    Incredible emotions!
    What are you waiting for? Download for free and play!
  • GPS Phone Tracker & GPS Navigation is simple and a very useful navigation application for every android phone user. We all have been in a situation where we were unable to find our destination, nearby places or track location on the map. GPS Phone Tracker is the best mobile GPS location tracking solution to all navigation, route optimization or route finding troubles on the maps. GPS Phone Tracker & Weather app, an amazing route optimizing, GPS navigation and place finder tool in your smartphones along with compass, speedometer and weather forecast features will make navigation smooth and comfortable.
    Application Features:
    GPS PhoneTracker and weather app is packed with a number of maps and navigation related useful features mentioned below:
    Route Tracker:
    This GPS Phone Tracker app is quite a useful tool to keep track of your travel. Just turn on the feature as you start walking, riding bike or travelling by car. It will start drawing your route on the map. Now after reaching your destination just save the track. This saved track can be shared with others. This is not a just a street view map, but it draws your route on the map real time more than a street view.
    Route Finder:
    When in a situation where you need to find a place that you have not visited before, GPS Route Finder will aid you in finding that place. It will provide you with the shortest and optimized route towards the destination point by tracking your location on Google maps. This is the shortest route planner or route optimization application providing you with route preview to your destination.
    Nearby Places:
    GPS Phone Tracker & Route Finder will allow you to find and navigate all nearby places in any neighborhood like Hotels, Markets, Shopping Malls, Banks, ATM's, Schools, Universities, mosques etc, with a single tap. This city mapper feature will find your location on the map and bring whole city's nearby important places.
    Share Location:
    If you want to share your location with your friends or family members, GPS Phone Tracker & Route Finder has made it easy for every smartphone user. All you need is to tap on “Share my Location” button to locate and map your location allowing you to share it with friends and family using Social Media.
    Route to Friend:
    Ask your friend to install this application and share his location through SMS, copy paste the exact link of the location and find the route to friend's location. This will draw the route from your current location to friend's location.
    Weather Alerts :
    Weather information for your current or any other location you are planning to travel is available in this application. You do not need to turn on weather channel on radio. This weather app is now your weather channel. This is one of the best free weather apps available. The weather channel app gives you temperature and weather updates for your current location or any other your destination location.
    Compass :
    An analog and digital compass feature makes commuting and navigation simpler and easy. You can have compass on maps, camera and standard view
    Speedometer :
    This is the simple and best speed tracker to keep track of your car, truck speed. An alternate solution to your vehicle speed odometer. This analogue GPS speedometer gives a look of vehicle real speedometer.
    This GPS Tracker & Route Finder is a solution for Truck GPS. We have combined together all the necessary navigational tools (Route mapping, nearby places, weather updates, location sharing, speedometer, compass) required for easy navigation for a trucker path.
    Collection & Use of Personal Data:
    We do not collect any personal information including User name, email, password etc except device GPS location and that too when user wants to send it to his / her friend. We do not store or transfer this location information to any third party.
  • Charger Removal Alert, Full Battery Alert
    Charger Removal Alert and Full Battery Alert
    Charge your cell phone at public places care free. Full Battery & Charger Alert.
    Anti-charger removal & full battery alarm is quite useful application. This alarme anti furto is a free application for your android phone. This is an antitheft app as well as full battery alarm. We all want to make our mobiles thieves proof. All of us want to have mobile security application which could detect intruders while charging our phone at public place and alert us when batteries are fully charged to avoid over charging.
    Anti-charger removal and full battery alarm is a small sized app with burglar alarm and full charge detector features.
    1. Charger Removal Alert
    2. Full battery Alarm
    Charger Removal Alert:
    Charger removal alert helps to charge your phone at public places without fear of its theft. This don't touch my phone and do not remove charger / antitheft alarm feature rings a loud emergency alarm when the charger is removed from the phone. This is a burglar alarm app which protects your phone. Alarm is only shut if a right pin is entered.
    This don't touch my phone on charging is an auto charger detector app. Charger removal alert notifies your charger plugged in so that you can activate theft alarm feature. When the charger plugs out, it triggers an alarm even on the lock screen. This do not touch my phone is thief catcher app keeping phones safe from nosy people. The charger removal alert can be dismissed with the right PIN saved in the settings by user.
    Full Battery Alarm:
    This is a very useful feature in our everyday life. We all want to be notified when our phone has 100% battery charge to protect batteries from damage. This is an overcharging alert feature which triggers an alert when the phone is fully charged.
    Recent study shows that most of the mobile starts malfunctioning due to battery overheating after kept on charging for hours. Especially the low quality mobile phones and low quality batteries. This full battery Alarm helps to avoid over charging,
    To make Phone anti-theft and full battery alarm user-friendly, user can make changes according to need.
    Separate Alarms:
    For charger removal and full battery alarm, users can choose separate alerts so that they can distinguish between don't unplug charger and 100% battery charge alert. It has police ringtones as charger alerts to catch the crook.
    PIN Code:
    Set a Pin code so that when phone touch alarm is initiated it could be dismissed with right PIN only.
    Auto enable Full battery Alarm:
    When charger is plugged in full battery alarm is automatically enabled making it user friendly and easy to use.
    Enable Charger Removal Alert notification:
    A notification appears as soon as charger is plugged in to enable Charger removal alert which makes don't unplug the charger app easy to use.
    All in all anti charger removal and full battery alarm is a little app with simple features but it is need of the hour antifurto de cellular app available for free.
  • Anti Theft Alarm: Find my Lost Phone is a mobile phone security application. This mobile phone anti theft and anti lost app is simple but solution to all problems related to phone theft and Phone lost. In public and work places our phones are more prone to be lost or vulnerable. This Anti Theft Alarm: Find my Lost Phone makes you carefree about your mobile phone devices. It protects your phone in multiple ways. Clap to Find my lost phone in seconds if it is silent mode and lost under sofa or car seat.
    If a thief or a snooping and nosy friend tried to unlock your phone by entering wrong pin code at phone lock screen, this free app will take intruder selfie and email his captured secret photo and phone location to you silently and you can find your lost phone along with the crook. Therefore this free app is also a useful tool as a mobile phone thief catcher.
    Anti Theft Alarm: Find my Lost Phone is antifurto de cellular and is designed in a way that it has features according to every situation. Your phone is safe with this security lock alarm app. It generates emergency ring tone alarm for every theft attempt.
    1.Intruder Alert
    When you want to know that who tried to unlock your phone, intruder alert helps you. If someone tries to unlock your phone a loud ring will warn you about the intruder. Moreover Intruder selfie will be taken and send to your email along with phone location on the Google maps. I can find my phone instantly. You can also take intruder selfie of your nosy family members or co-workers / friends who tried to unlock your phone in your absence.
    Anti-Theft Mobile Alarm will keep your phone safe.
    2.Anti-touch alarm (Don't touch my Phone)
    If anyone touches your phone it will ring a loud alarm and you will be alerted. This “do not touch my phone” feature works using proximity sensor.
    3.Anti-Pickpocket (Thief Catcher)
    When in Shopping centers or market be at ease without fearing of losing your phone. If anyone tries to remove your phone from your pocket or purse Don't touch my Phone app motion sensor will detect the thief touch and a loud alarm will ring and you can instantly catch a thief.
    4.Charger Removal Alert (Don't remove charger)
    Sometimes we have to charge our phones on airport terminals, bus stops or offices and we have to remain alert so that no one touch my phone or remove charger. Charger removal alert is solution to this issue. As soon as someone removes your phone from charging, it detects charger removal and a loud ring will notify you and immediately catch thief. Whenever you plug in charger, charger detector notifies you about turning on this Do not remove charger alert.
    5.Clap to Find My Phone
    We often misplace our cell phones by dropping it under sofa, bed or seat etc. Now it's easy to find your lost / misplaced phone. Just clap 2 times and your phone will start ringing. This clap phone finder is quite useful tool.
    Anti-theft Alarm: Don't touch my phone has some optional settings which makes the usage easy.
    ✓ PIN Code: Change PIN code according to choice.
    ✓ Alarm Tones: You can chose any alarm tone out of number of different alarm tones / police and emergency sirens.
    ✓ Charger Detector: Every time charger is connected it will notify you and ask you to activate Charger removal alert.
    ✓ Intruder Selfie and phone location: You can opt in to select capture intruder selfie or secret photo and phone location and email it to you.
    This Anti theft and Anti lost is a mobile phone security app to get rid of unwanted snooping. Leave your phone unattended and let your friend to snoop it. If they try to unlock your phone a loud police siren will frighten them.
    Permission Used:
    BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission is used to get Administrative Permission for Intruder Alert feature to function properly.
  • Meet the world's best accurate data from high-speed sensors installed in QED stores nationwide in QED APP now.
    You can conveniently check the information you have practiced at the QED store anywhere.
    1. Provide various and accurate data
    We provide world-class accurate data.
    2. Provide average distance data for each club
    Provides average distance data for each club.
    3. Provide shot distribution data
    You can objectively analyze your shot skills by providing information on the impact group through shot distribution.
    4. Provide trend data by date
    You can check the degree of improvement through the trend data by date.
    Developer Contact:
  • Have a direct contact with us from your mobile
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    Report incidents
  • This app allows you to control and monitor an AMX Pro 2 metal detector via a Bluetooth connection. Among the main functions of this application are:
    1) Visualization of the approximate size and depth of the metallic object detected in several different types of graphics, with 3D and 2D options.
    2) Change settings such as sensitivity, mineralization level, search mode, volume, among others, without having to use the equipment panel.
    Attention: For the proper functioning of this application, you need to have an AMX Pro 2 metal detector.
  • Duster preparado específicamente para el juego, encontrarás todo lo que buscas
    -Gran continental 2 vivir en una ciudad.
    -Salto de la prueba de la rampa y el coche puede tener diversión mapa prueba de tortura.
    -de 30 emocionantes tareas.
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    -Detalle de configuración.
    -El placer de una gran ciudad.
    -opción de idioma 6
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    Es el coche todo el mundo sabe y reconoce el coche Duster! esperando a chequearlo con forma modelado uno a uno. Podría no hacer en tu vida, en este juego, tu experiencia de conducción real compartir tu entusiasmo!
    Al mismo tiempo aplicación de la prueba de tortura y su rampa de coche puede incluso volar hacia el castillo de la bola y la meta, o incluso puede jugar bowling ir zona de pruebas. ¿Comer un rodillo grande, su coche o su coche derribar fichas de dominó?
    Todo esto se presenta a usted en un solo juego.
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